Dagdusheth Halwai Ganapati Temple (श्रीमंत दगडूशेठ हलवाई गणपती) in Pune is dedicated to the Hindu God Ganesh. The temple is
popular in Maharashtra and is visited by thousands of
pilgrims every year. Devotees
of the temple include celebrities
Address: 250, Budhwar Peth, Pune, Maharashtra
Dagadusheth Halwai (Dagadusheth Gadve) was Lingayat trader originally from Karnataka and settled in Pune. His original surname was "Gadve" but later more renowned as Halwai (sweetmaker) as his surname due to his profession.Later he was known as Dagadusheth Halwai. Original Halwai shop still exists near by named Kaka Halwai (as franchise run by his posterity of "Gadve Family" ) near Datta Mandir in Pune.
He was very famous and rich sweet trader. He was a very virtuous and righteous man. Shri.. Datta Mandir placed in Budhwar Peth, Pune was their residential Building. During those times in the outbreak of plague Shreemant Dagdusheth Halwai lost his son. Due to this episode he himself and his wife were very depressed and disturbed. During the same time his Guruji Shri.. Madhavnath Maharaj consoled him and advised him to make two idols of God Shri. Datta Maharaj and Shri. Ganpati and asked him to worship them and to take care of them like his own son. In future just as offspring brings radiance to his father´s name these idols would do the same for him. And as per his Guruji´s advice he made two idols of Shri.. Datta Maharaj and Shri. Ganpati, and this very idol is the first idol, now this idol is placed in Aakara Maruti Temple, Shukrawar Peth, this idol is worshiped everyday with detailed rituals and rites.

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